Wish ListΒΆ

The wish list is in random order.

  • Real template handling: variables in the snippets
  • Select a text, right-click that selection and add as new snippet.
  • If possible, drag-and-drop from the list to the active document.
  • Assign keyboard shortcut keys to a snippet.
  • Add tooltips for the snippets (#7).
  • Remember the last select snippet from the list. Useful when switching between different languages.
  • Add support for multiple selections (#2).
  • Easier sorting for non-alphabetic libraries. (move to top, move to bottom, dragging?)
  • Copy a certain snippet to another library.
  • Make the snippets aware of the replace tabs with spaces setting of the current document.
  • Libraries can be hard to find when there is something wrong with the languages that are set for this library.