How to compile

To compile NppSnippets you can use Visual Studio. Project files for VS2019 are provided and actively used. The free Visual Studio Community gets the job done. Obviously the paid versions work as well. To compile with another versions of Visual Studio you can convert an existing project file.

There is also a MinGW-w64 makefile, using their 64-bit compilers. It can be used from Cygwin, MSYS2 and various Linux distributions including WSL. It compiles, but the resulting dll is not recognized by Notepad++.

Building the documentation

The documentation of NppSnippets is written in reStructuredText and hosted on Read The Docs.

To build on Windows you need Python Sphinx. When using Cygwin you can install the python-sphinx and make packages.

Use make html in the docs directory to generate the documentation. Other forms of output are not used, but might work.

If you want the local docs the look like Read The Docs:

  • Clone the Sphinx RTD Theme.
  • Create a directory named _themes in the docs directory.
  • There you need to create a symlink to the sphinx_rtd_theme subdirectory in the cloned repo.