
To edit the settings of the plug-in, select Options... from the Plugin menu.

You can also edit the ini-file manually to change the settings. This ini-file is normally found in your “Application Data” directory and is named NppSnippets.ini. On my Windows 10 machine this directory is C:\Users\Frank\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\plugins\config.

These are the default settings:


When Show is set to 0 the tree will not be shown.

When ToolbarIcon is set to 0 no icon will be shown on the toolbar.

When Indent is set to 0 the snippet will not be indented when it is inserted.

DBFile can be used to override the default location of the database NppSnippets.sqlite by specifying the full path name of the database. When it is not set the plug-in will look in the same directory as where NppSnippets.ini is located.