How to install or upgrade

The easiest way to install this plugin is by using the Plugin Manager: from the “Plugins” menu, choose the “Plugin Manager” and “Show Plugin Manager”. Select the “Snippets” plugin and choose “install” and follow the instructions on the screen.

To manually install the plugin, copy NppSnippets.dll to the plugins directory and copy Template.sqlite to the plugins/config directory in the user’s “Application Data” directory and name it NppSnippets.sqlite. On my Windows 7 machine this directory is C:\Users\Frank\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\plugins\config. Then (re)start Notepad++.

You can place the database in the plugins/config directory in the Notepad++ installation directory typically in the Program Files directory, but this could result in a read-only database due to file permissions and/or User Account Control (UAC). Therefore it is advised to put it in your AppData directory.

From issue #9: I noticed when I change files with different languages of my progect it takes 2-3 seconds delay when plugin load snippets for this language (for example HTML to PHP).

You can also specify a custom path (like a shared network path or your Dropbox directory) for your database by manually editing the NppSnippets.ini file and adding a DBFile entry pointing to the full path name of the database. The NppSnippets.ini is normally in your AppData directory.

When you automatically upgrade through the Plugin Manager your database is not touched. If you are manually upgrading at least replace the existing dll. It is up to you if you override your own database with the template database provided in the archive. If you have not changed existing snippets or added your own, it is recommended to use the database in the archive.